Total Productive Maintenance | TPM Consultant Africa
TPM has the goal of improving productivity and reducing cost by maximizing the effectiveness of all machines, facilities and processes employed through the reduction or prevention of losses by collectively, revitalising machines, and by stopping unnecessary repairs. TPM also increases the effectiveness of all employees through joint decision making & shared responsibility through their meaningful involvement
TPM implementation starts by knowing current OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) of the equipment and identifying the major losses impacting OEE. OEE is calculated by 3 factors – Availability , Performance & Quality. To understand OEE calculation, please click here.
Five Major losses impacting the OEE in most of the manufacturing organisations are: Breakdown Hours, Changeover Hours, Time lost during tool change & start up, Frequent minor stoppages, Speed losses and losses due to rejection.
We help our clients understand the current losses impacting the Overall Equipment Effectiveness and then deploy the right TPM pillars to address the key losses.
One of the most effective pillar of TPM is Autonomous Maintenance, which focuses on creating equipment competent operator who can take care of their machine by doing basic maintenance. Autonomous Maintenance, also known as Jishu Hozen addresses the Breakdowns, Minor stoppages & Quality losses. Autonomous Maintenance help detecting and correcting minor problems that can potentially result in breakdowns or downtimes later on.
First step of Autonomous Maintenance is Initial Cleaning. Objectives of Initial Cleaning are to do cleaning with a meaning and identify & correct abnormalities, which can lead to any kind of downtimes. Abnormality detection is done by cleaning & tagging the abnormalities. Two types of Tags are used to identify abnormalities: Green Tags & Red Tags. Green tags are put for abnormalities which must be detected and corrected by the Operators. Red Tags are put for abnormalities, which can not be corrected by the operators and help of maintenance team is required for same.
RIB Consulting has implemented Autonomous maintenance in more than 65 companies in Kenya and other countries in Africa and have helped clients to reduce machine breakdowns by more than 80%. Some of our clients have also achieved Zero breakdowns on some of the Key equipments through implementation of Autonomous Maintenance pillar of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Another key pillar to reduce machine breakdowns is Planned Maintenance. Objective of this pillar is to increase the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and decrease the MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) through implementation of effective Time Based Maintenance and Condition Bases Maintenance techniques.
Mean Time Between Failure is calculated as Running Hours / Number of breakdowns, i.e. average gap between the breakdowns. MTTR is calculated as Total breakdown time / Number of breakdowns, i.e. average time taken to repair the machine after breakdown.
Planned maintenance implementation starts by supporting Autonomous Maintenance activities and training operators by the maintenance team. Once basic condition of equipment is restored through autonomous maintenance, next steps is Criticality ranking of equipments & creating equipment control ledgers. Root cause analysis is key tool used to eliminate or minimise the chronic and sporadic breakdowns.
RIB Consulting has helped its clients in Africa to eliminate the chronic breakdowns through training & implementation of Planned maintenance through TPM workshops.
Ultimate goal of tpm is to achieve Zero equipment breakdown, Zero product defects, & Zero accidents. All our Total Productive Maintenance consultants have more than 20 years of experience in TPM implementation in Africa. Some of the results achieved from TPM Implementation at our clients in Africa are:

With our immense experience in Total Productive Management consulting for various companies in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Senegal, Egypt, Zambia & Botswana, we are arguably one of the best TPM consultants today. If you are looking for Total Productive Maintenance consultants, please contact us on +254 738 399 329 or