The Kaizen story is a standardised format to record kaizen activities conducted by such small-group activities as quality circles. The same standardized format is also employed to report kaizen activities conducted by staff and managers.
The Kaizen story follows the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle. Steps 1 through 4 relate to P (plan), step 5 relates to D (do), step 6 relates to C (check), and steps 7 and 8 relate to A (act). The Kaizen story format helps anybody to solve problems based on data analysis. It is also an effective way to keep records of kaizen activities.
Various problem-solving tools are often shown in the Kaizen story to help the reader understand the process.
In Japan the term QC story is commonly used word.
The kaizen story includes the following standardized steps:
1. Selecting the theme. The story begins with the reason why the particular theme was selected. Often, the themes are determined in line with management policies or are dependent upon the priority, importance, urgency, or economics of current circumstances.
2. Understanding the current status and setting objectives. Before starting the project, current conditions must be understood and reviewed. One way to do this is to go to gemba and follow the five gemba principles. Another way is to collect data.
3. Analyzing the data thus collected to identify root causes.
4. Establishing countermeasures based on the data analysis.
5. Implementing countermeasures.
6. Confirming the effects of the countermeasures.
7. Establishing or revising the standards to prevent recurrence.
8. Reviewing the above processes and working on the next steps.
RIB Consulting helps organisation to Implement Kaizen and also provides Kaizen training and certification in Kenya, India, Uganda, Zambia, Dubai and Russia. RIB Consulting is one of the Leading Kaizen Consulting organisation in Kenya and India.