Total Productive Maintenance.
Achieve Zero Breakdowns. Zero Accidents. Zero Defects.

Integrating TPM with digital capabilities can help companies eliminate losses, maximise equipment efficiency, save more money and ensure higher performance of their operations. We provide expertise and tools to identify improvement opportunities and enhance operational excellence.

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    TPM Consulting Services

    Maximise Equipment Effectiveness and Eliminate Losses with TPM

    In the evolving landscape of maintenance, the emphasis is shifting from merely resolving breakdowns to predicting and preventing them. To effectively implement a model based on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) principles, we need to design predictive and planned approaches that will optimize spare parts stock management, reduce equipment downtime, and maximize efficiency.

    Total Productive Maintenance or TPM is a comprehensive approach to improve efficiency, productivity and reliability of the equipment throughout its entire lifecycle. To maximise the equipment effectiveness, TPM aims at eliminating 16 Major losses, which obstruct production efficiency.

    Our Total Productive Maintenance consulting is directed towards the ultimate goal of zero equipment breakdown and zero product defects, which in turn results in improved utilization of production assets and plant capacity. Our TPM consulting also includes designing and installing equipment that needs little or no maintenance and setting up processes for quickly repairing equipment after breakdowns occur.

    With our extensive experience in Total Productive Management consulting for various companies in Kenya and India, we are recognized as one of the leading TPM consultants today. If you are seeking Total Productive Maintenance consultants, please feel free to contact us.

    Our Impact

    Downtimes Reduction including Breakdown and change over time
    Speed loss reduction
    Material loss reduction
    Overall Equipment Effectiveness improvement

    Key TPM pillars to eliminate major OEE losses

    Focused Improvement (Kobetsu Kaizen)

    Measure & quantity Major OEE losses. Identify chronic losses and develop problem solving capabilities with systematic approach to reduce OEE losses.

    Autonomous Maintenance (Jishu Hozen)

    Create equipment competent operators to reduce forced deterioration of equipment and reduce breakdowns.

    Planned Maintenance

    Effective maintenance planning & scheduling through predictive, time & condition based techniques to improve maintenance team productivity, Spare Parts Management, Failure analysis and prevention of recurrence

    Education & Training

    Enhance technical and TPM knowledge of operators and maintenance team and Build internal capacity to lead and implement TPM.

    Quality Maintenance

    Improve the equipment condition to achieve zero defects by checking and measuring equipment conditions in time-series to prevent defects.

    Key TPM pillars to eliminate major OEE losses

    Our TPM Implementation Approach

    What is HoshinPMS?


    Identify Gaps, Opportunities and Financial Benefits

    One Week Deep dive Assessment to Identify Gaps, Opportunities and Priorities for Improvement in Overall Equipment Effectiveness, through Gemba observations, data analysis and meeting with all key stakeholders and estimate improvement targets and financial benefits of implementing TPM.

    What makes HoshinPMS

    Sustenance Structure

    Support Structure to sustain improvements

    Our team of experts assists in establishing a robust TPM management and sustenance structure within your organization through TPM commitees. This framework is designed to drive and review TPM implementation, track progress, achieve desired results, and sustain improvements.

    How HoshinPMS can help


    Training on key TPM Tools and Pillars

    Customised TPM training including classroom and shop floor training on key TPM pillars and tools to address the major OEE losses identified during  assessment. Our training expertise ensures that your teams develop the right mindset, knowledge, and skills to maximize the benefits of TPM implementation.



    5 Day Rapid Improvement TPM Workshops

    TPM is implemented through ‘Learn by Doing’ 5 Day TPM workshop using  systematic methodology to TPM pillars and tools identified during assessment. This workshop is aimed at executing rapid improvement work on the shop floor with cross functional teams for effective results.

    Our TPM Implementation Approach

    Our Experience

    Successful TPM Projects
    Return on Investment

    What to Expect?

    alignment of staff


    Our customized TPM implementation approach focuses on identification of major OEE losses and selecting key TPM pillars to address major losses. Our TPM consultants’ expertise ensures that your teams are well-equipped to maximize the benefits of TPM implementation.

    improvement in execution


    Our TPM consultants engage all levels and functions in an organization to maximize overall production efficiency besides tuning up existing processes and equipment by reducing downtimes, mistakes and accidents.

    reduction in MUDA


    A vital part of our Total Productive Maintenance consulting is to train workers to take care of the equipment with which they work. Our TPM training consultants work with your team on preventive maintenance, mistake-proofing equipment, to eliminate product defects and to make maintenance easier.

    increase in employee participation


    Combining TPM pillars and tools with our TPM consultants expertise helps organisations reduce breakdowns by 50% and improve OEE by 25%.

    Our Client Results

    We are global TPM consultants offering TPM consultancy services worldwide in more than 20 countries.

    “Integrating TPM with digital capabilities can help companies eliminate losses, maximise equipment efficiency, save more money and ensure higher performance of their operations. We provide expertise and tools to identify improvement opportunities and enhance operational excellence.”

    Start your TPM journey today!

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