What is HoshinPMS?

What is HoshinPMS?

Hoshin means direction.

HoshinPMS is an online goal alignment, strategy execution and performance management software, that help employees perform, improve and execute your company’s goals.

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What makes HoshinPMS

What makes HoshinPMS different from traditional PMS?

HoshinPMS is a powerful Performance Management software that integrates continuous improvement as a part of organisation culture. It not only manages employee performance but also ensures improvement in Profitability, Manpower Productivity and Process Improvement.

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How HoshinPMS can help

How HoshinPMS can help your business?

Boost Manpower Productivity with consistent performance evaluation anytime anywhere. Create ownership and improve employee performance with quality data-driven analysis.

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Online Employee Performance Management Software

HoshinPMS is a revolutionary cloud-based employee performance management solution that allows the user organization to accurately assess and continuously improve employee performance on real-time basis.

HoshinPMS integrates a powerful continuous improvement tool i.e. Hoshin Kanri with online performance management system that not only provides live performance. Use employee performance tracking software view of entire organisation but also ensures improvement in Profitability, Strategy Execution, Employee productivity and Process efficiency.

alignment of staff

100% alignment of staff to company business objectives

improvement in execution

50% improvement in execution and goal achievement

reduction in MUDA

30% reduction in MUDA ie non-value adding activities

increase in employee participation

25% increase in employee participation for performance improvement

  • Structured goal sheet for each employee with set goals, strategies and targets
  • Teamwork in strategy deployment and reviews
  • Performance Mapping and categorisation
  • Know your top and bottom performers
  • Map daily routine activities with individual goals
  • Link strategies and projects with day-to-day efforts and activities
  • Real-time strategy and project execution module
  • Visibility of Review Calendar and its execution at each managerial level
  • Automated data collection and reporting
  • Data Integration with third party tools and software
  • Performance gap analysis down the hierarchy through Treemap chart
  • Integrated 360-degree feedback
Goal Management

Goal Management

  • Deployment of organisation goals from top to bottom
  • Online Goal Setting with strategies for each employee using catchball process

  • Monthly, Daily and Weekly Goal Management
  • Goal sheet and Score card access by each employee

Goal Management

Goal Management
  • Deployment of organisation goals from top to bottom
  • Online Goal Setting with strategies for each employee using catchball process

  • Monthly, Daily and Weekly Goal Management
  • Goal sheet and Score card access by each employee

Strategy Management

  • Identification of strategies for each goal
  • Ensure strategy execution by deploying actions and projects with timelines

  • Real-time execution status of action plans and projects
  • Monitor Strategy effectiveness and results

Strategy Management

Strategy Management
  • Identification of strategies for each goal
  • Ensure strategy execution by deploying actions and projects with timelines

  • Real-time execution status of action plans and projects
  • Monitor Strategy effectiveness and results
Project Management

Project Management

  • Link multiple projects with strategies and goals
  • Assign projects to multiple employees across departments
  • Plan project execution with actions and timelines
  • Monitor project execution and its results

Project Management

Project Management
  • Link multiple projects with strategies and goals
  • Assign projects to multiple employees across departments
  • Plan project execution with actions and timelines
  • Monitor project execution and its results

Performance Management

  • Gain valuable performance insights for faster course correction
  • Score Card and Performance monitoring on monthly, weekly and daily basis
  • Performance comparison of different sites, departments, work areas
  • Categorisation of employees as per defined performance criteria

  • Performance gap analysis and opportunities for improvement
Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management
  • Gain valuable performance insights for faster course correction
  • Score Card and Performance monitoring on monthly, weekly and daily basis
  • Performance comparison of different sites, departments, work areas
  • Categorisation of employees as per defined performance criteria

  • Performance gap analysis and opportunities for improvement
Review Management

Review Management

  • Quality data driven performance reviews on key success factors

  • Review planning and communication to reportees

  • Review completion status across entire organisation
  • Monitor project execution and its results
  • Monthly rating by supervisor based on reviews conducted

Review Management

Review Management
  • Quality data driven performance reviews on key success factors

  • Review planning and communication to reportees

  • Review completion status across entire organisation
  • Monitor project execution and its results
  • Monthly rating by supervisor based on reviews conducted

360-degree Feedback

  • Customise feedback assessment form for different level of employees

  • Choice to get feedback from selected roles or entire organization
  • Comprehensive feedback summary reports
360-degree Feedback

360-degree Feedback

360-degree Feedback
  • Customise feedback assessment form for different level of employees

  • Choice to get feedback from selected roles or entire organization
  • Comprehensive feedback summary reports

Fully Integrated HoshinPMS Platform

Easy and Simple User Interface

Easy and Simple User Interface

Custom Roles and Permissions

Custom Roles and Permissions

Email Notifications

Email Notifications

Reporting and Advanced Analytics

Reporting and Advanced Analytics

Online Support Ticketing System

Online Support Ticketing System

Data Security and Back-up

Data Security and Back-up

Frequently Asked Questions

Why there is a need for an effective Performance Management Software in today’s work environment?
What makes a good performance management system?
Why choose HoshinPMS over Traditional Performance Management Software?
How are KPIs or goals are set in HoshinPMS?
How is data entered in HoshinPMS?
Can HoshinPMS pull data from ERP?
How is individual’s performance evaluated?
How is Performance monitored?
How are reviews conducted in HoshinPMS?
What type of reports are available in HoshinPMS?
What is the price of the software?