Online Employee Performance Management Software
HoshinPMS is a revolutionary cloud-based employee performance management solution that allows the user organization to accurately assess and continuously improve employee performance on real-time basis.
HoshinPMS integrates a powerful continuous improvement tool i.e. Hoshin Kanri with online performance management system that not only provides live performance. Use employee performance tracking software view of entire organisation but also ensures improvement in Profitability, Strategy Execution, Employee productivity and Process efficiency.
100% alignment of staff to company business objectives
50% improvement in execution and goal achievement
30% reduction in MUDA ie non-value adding activities
25% increase in employee participation for performance improvement
- Structured goal sheet for each employee with set goals, strategies and targets
- Teamwork in strategy deployment and reviews
- Performance Mapping and categorisation
- Know your top and bottom performers
- Map daily routine activities with individual goals
- Link strategies and projects with day-to-day efforts and activities
- Real-time strategy and project execution module
- Visibility of Review Calendar and its execution at each managerial level
- Automated data collection and reporting
- Data Integration with third party tools and software
- Performance gap analysis down the hierarchy through Treemap chart
- Integrated 360-degree feedback
Fully Integrated HoshinPMS Platform
Easy and Simple User Interface
Custom Roles and Permissions
Email Notifications
Reporting and Advanced Analytics
Online Support Ticketing System
Data Security and Back-up